Our Vision, Mission, and Core Values
Our Vision:
Loving God. Growing Families. For the Glory of God.
Our Mission:
We exist to make passionate disciples of Jesus who go and make disciples by advancing the gospel locally, regionally, and worldwide.
Core Values:
Our core values guide our actions. These values are meant to provide strategic direction and design to every ministry offering at TBC to help families love God (and therefore, people) and grow into passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. We commit to be a people who grow to be:
- Worshippers of Jesus Christ.
- Great Commission Focused.
- Gospel Embracing.
- Missionally Passionate.
- Biblically Literate.
- Theologically Conscious.
- Discipleship Oriented.
- We believe the Bible, consisting of 66 books in the Old and New Testaments, is the Divinely inspired and infallible Word of God and is without error in its original manuscripts. It offers the rule of faith and practice for Christians.
- We believe salvation from sin, death, and hell is a gift received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Nothing in regard to a person’s salvation is by their own effort; it is totally a work of God.
- We believe God the Father rules as sovereign King over the universe; He owns everything and is the rightful ruler of everyone.
- We believe that Christ Jesus is the Son of God and is the living head of the Church.
- We believe the Holy Spirit is the living and active third Person of the Triune Godhead.
For Our Full Declaration of Faith, Click Here! Church Declaration of Faith
Senior Pastor: Jason Mauk
Jason grew up in Altoona, Pennsylvania, where he met his wife Jamie during their high school years. He attended Liberty University, graduating in 1999 with a Bachelor of Business Administration. He went on to attend the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science and then spent 12 years serving as a licensed funeral director/embalmer in central Pennsylvania. In 2012, Jason began training at Liberty Theological Seminary where he has earned his Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling, his Master of Religious Education, and his Doctor of Ministry degrees. For the past eleven years, Jason has been privileged to serve in several teaching and pastoral roles and enjoys teaching in middle school, high school, and college classroom settings. He and his wife Jamie have been blessed with four sons–two in middle school and two in college. Jason enjoys reading and writing, hiking, and coaching soccer and basketball (as well as attending an occasional Pittsburgh Steeler game).
Associate Pastor of Youth, Worship, and Communications: Brandon Frazeur

Pastor Brandon Frazeur joined our team in Spring 2013 as the Youth Pastor and also fills multiple other roles at Tipton. He attended Word of Life Bible Institute and Clarks Summit University and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Specialized Ministry. Brandon grew up experiencing many different ministries under his father however felt called to youth ministry while counseling at The Island, a teen summer camp by Word of Life. Jason has engaged in other roles in the community such as teaching and coaching junior high volleyball. He has been blessed with three children and has been married to his wonderful wife Ashley since 2013 (two weeks after coming to Tipton!). He enjoys all things tech and “nerd” related, music and volleyball.